Your Drayton Valley - Devon CA Board
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Drayton Valley - Devon Constituency Association
President:Katrina Bellehumeur-Hawken
Katrina Bellehumeur was born in the east but grew up out west. She is a transplant who loves this land and can't stand to see the state Alberta is in. katrina graduated from Brocklehurst Secondary School in Kamloops, BC in 2004 and moved with her family to a small town in southern Alberta. She started working for a local plumbing and heating company where she learned she loved working with her hands. She has done mostly labour and factory work all her life. For a couple years Katrina traveled Canada to see its beauty, explore its wilderness and to see historical locations first hand. She got as far as Ontario then turned around and went back to Alberta. Nothing she has seen in Canada compares to the people in the west. Katrina married in July of 2020 and with her husband and 4 dogs moved to the town of Drayton Valley where she helped to geth the Drayton Valley / Devon Constituency association off the ground. Katrina has always been patriotic, coming from a family line deeply rooted in the fur trade and raised in a fairly traditional household. Although patriotic, she never had too much of an interest in politics until the election in 2019. After the results of the election Katrina joined a grassroots separtist society called Unify the West and helped build that up with her role as secretary. Katrina envisions livingin an Alberta where her day to day life has as little government involvement as possible, where her neighbors propser and where the globalist UN Agenda 2030 doesn't touch.
Treasurer: Brandy Beveridge
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]