Leadership Debate #2 - Olds


Hello Olds supporters of a Strong - Independent - Free Alberta!

Come listen to our 2 Leadership runner-ups Katherine Kowalchuk and Artur Pawlowski debate what matters to Albertans and why they are running for the Leadership of The Independence Party.  

We hope to see you all there and don't forget to bring family, friends and neighbors. 

Location - Pomeroy Inn & Suites at Olds College, 4601 46 Ave, Olds, AB

Let's show them our love and support!

August 27, 2022 at 2:30pm - 5pm
Pomeroy Inn & Suites
4601 46 Ave
Olds, AB T4H 1P5
Google map and directions
Miles Williams Grace Jetmundson Lynn Clark Dr. Winfred Winfield William Stayer

Will you come?