Charlene Schramm
Charlene and her husband Jim live on acreage just east of Olds, Alberta and are the proud parents of three grown children, two daughters and one son. They are further blessed to be the grandparents of eight grandchildren (so far!). Born and raised on a farm in Central Alberta, Charlene comes from a family with a long history of passion for politics, justice and standing for the rights of the people. Her father was a strong proponent against the blatant and unbalanced power of the federal government, a cause Charlene champions to this day. While writing for weekly newspapers in the early 1980s she covered the movement of the Western Canadian Concept Party but was disappointed to see that movement sabotaged, as many also were. For the last 12 years she has worked extensively as a volunteer and on the founding board of The Olds & District Hospice Society.
Since the AGM in April of 2023, she has served as The Independence Party’s Director of Finance. Although growing up believing in the power of the vote, she soon came to understand as so many of us have that in the politics of today, results are often decided before polling stations even close. She is fiercely proud of Alberta and of the people of this province and will do whatever she can to ensure her children and grandchildren can say the same in the future. As Jim approaches retirement they are feeling called to work more closely with The Independence Party which represents Alberta’s best chance for a government built on the values of truth and justice: values they are uncompromising in championing.
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