Note: We will still continue to accept policy submissions from members(with 6 other member signatures) and from CA board motions. Please use this form. We will put forward the policy submissions in future AGM's and SGM's.
75% of quorum* approval required to pass any proposed policy additions, deletions or amendment.
*quorum is 10% of membership
Started at: August 24, 2022 at 8:00am
Finished at: August 26, 2022 at 12:00am
Time zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada)
181 of 806 ballots cast. 3 spoiled.
Economic Revival
1.1 Taxation
ii. Income Tax
1. Alberta residents will pay up to a 25% flat tax rate.
(This previously stated Alberta will pay a 25% flat tax rate)
Yes - I approve the amendment: 157 votes (93.5%)
No - I reject the amendment: 11 votes (6.5%)
Yes - I approve the amendment wins with 93.5% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 168
Abstentions: 13
First Nations (New Section 2.9)
We believe that all First Nations are equals in the decision making of Alberta's future.
We believe that the people of the First Nations are an integral part in the development
of policies in the new nation of Alberta, including their right to self-determination, and
that they participate as co-decision makers in setting up a framework of land and
resource ownership and development.
Yes - I approve the addition: 154 votes (92.2%)
No - I reject the addition: 13 votes (7.8%)
Yes - I approve the addition wins with 92.2% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 167
Abstentions: 14
Foreign Relations
3.3 – delete i & ii, and replace with
i. We will not join or affiliate with any global institutions or companies that do not align with the
values of Albertans or that violate the inalienable rights and freedoms of Alberta’s citizens. This
includes, but is not limited to, organizations such as the United Nations, World Economic Forum
and the World Health Organization.
Yes - I approve the amendments: 179 votes (99.4%)
No - I reject the amendments: 1 vote (0.6%)
Yes - I approve the amendments wins with 99.4% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 180
Abstentions: 1
Addition 3.4 iii. All elected officials have the right and duty to vote their conscience in all
matters, including budgetary legislation, without undue influence or coercion by their
affiliated political party.
We believe that elected officials have annual reviews, conducted by an independent
and nonpartisan oversight body, and that a framework be developed to recall or
sanction those individuals who do not meet their duties and obligations as an elected
Yes - I approve the addition: 172 votes (96.6%)
No - I reject the addition: 6 votes (3.4%)
Yes - I approve the addition wins with 96.6% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 178
Abstentions: 3
Addition 3.4 iv. We believe that elected officials seeking more than two consecutive
terms must provide justification to the independent, nonpartisan body as to why they
ought to be permitted to run prior to becoming the nominated candidate. The body shall
consider, among other things, previous reviews and the views of the members of their
party, if applicable, in their riding.
Yes - I approve the addition: 162 votes (94.2%)
No - I reject the addition: 10 votes (5.8%)
Yes - I approve the addition wins with 94.2% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 172
Abstentions: 9
Parental Rights
Addition 2.3, l. vi. Subject to a violation of law, we believe in the rights of all parents and
guardians to make decisions for the children in their care and we believe that it is not the
government’s role to infringe on this right.
Yes - I approve the additions: 174 votes (98.3%)
No - I reject the additions: 3 votes (1.7%)
Yes - I approve the additions wins with 98.3% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 177
Abstentions: 4
Business Development
1.3, d, iv., 3), 2. Replace with:
We will establish a commission to study and review the environmental and health effects of evolving
wireless technologies, including 5G.
Yes - I approve the amendments: 165 votes (97.1%)
No - I reject the amendments: 5 votes (2.9%)
Yes - I approve the amendments wins with 97.1% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 170
Abstentions: 11
Health Care
2.1, b, ix. 1) 1.Replace with:
All Monographs shall be provided to patients in printed form and or electronic form, including the references
as to where the documents can be found on line, in font no smaller than 11 point. Prescribed and or
administered pharmaceuticals documents must be provided prior to treatment and include both the Health
Care Professional Monographs and the Patient Medication Information regardless if the patient requests
the information or not. A patient’s physical or electronic signature must be obtained with each prescribed
and or administered pharmaceutical confirming they had received Informed Consent.
Yes - I approve the amendments: 164 votes (99.4%)
No - I reject the amendments: 1 vote (0.6%)
Yes - I approve the amendments wins with 99.4% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 165
Abstentions: 16
2.1, b, ix. 1) 2. Add:
No manufacture will be granted Immunity for any pharmaceuticals and or medical procedures outside of
and or during an international, national, or community emergency and or pandemic.
Yes - I approve the addition: 174 votes (99.4%)
No - I reject the addition: 1 vote (0.6%)
Yes - I approve the addition wins with 99.4% of the vote.
Votes tallied: 175
Abstentions: 6